Wednesday, March 09, 2005


So. This is my blog. The format needs some work, but it will have to do until I can figure out how to make a new one.
But on to my plans: I decided yesterday that I would leave for Europe in the fall, probably around October. I will live and work in London with a 6 month blue card that I can get through a company called BUNAC. After that, I don't know--maybe I'll stay in Europe for the Tour de France, doing a tour of ancient cities while I bide my time. Maybe I'll take the Trans Siberian/ Mongolian Railroad across Russia and Mongolia, eventually ending up in S.E. Asia. Maybe I'll come home (yeah right!). There are a lot of options, but I'll keep all-y'all up to date.
Now, more about myself: I'm good looking, intelligent, and hilariously funny ;o) Actually, I'm just a normal high school senior with big plans, no money, and an unquenchable thirst for recklessness. I am always outdoors--I love backpacking, any kind of cycling, snowboarding, the usual. I also have quite the dorky streak--I am an avid reader, wannabe poet, and I spend way too much time on the computer. I try to keep up on new music, and I like all forms; some of my favorite groups are in my profile, check it out. All for now...


At 7:07 AM, Blogger C_thegreat said...

You seem pretty cool, but you don't post... :(


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