Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Touch down...

Fun With New York’s Mass Transit...

So I get off the plane and realize that I need to get out of the airport. After quickly and efficiently learning that I need to take the AirTrain to the E subway, I start following signs. But then they stop, and I’m left to spin circles on the sidewalk until I spot the terminal wayyyy over on the other side of the airport. Whatever. Getting on the subway was no problem, except that we were stopped waiting for other trains for probably 45min. That sucked. What didn’t suck was I got to my hostel no problem, and found the room to be super clean with its own bathroom.

And Rock and Roll….

What also didn’t suck was I went to a concert last night. I just walked three blocks out of my hostel and, just as I was wondering what to do with myself, I saw a sign on Madison Square Gardens for Franz Ferdinand. I haaaad to go inside and find out when it was; and, as they say, the rest is history. They rocked all night, playing songs from their first and second album, as well as a 4 or 5 song encore in which they went nuts…there were three people on drums at on point (the stage hands helped out) and they really seemed to be enjoying what they were doing.

All for now, Will


At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favreau Talks Carter Of Mars
Director Jon Favreau told SCI FI Wire that he thinks technology has finally allowed Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic fantasy story John Carter of Mars to be made into a feature film.
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