Thursday, October 20, 2005


I’m Sore. And yes I mean that with a capital S. At least I got a great night of sleep last night and have had good meals all day today. Today was pretty mellow: played pool with my grandma, checked out the fall foliage, went to the beach. It was a perfect day of recuperation. I went through my bag today and tried to get rid of stuff. The best I could manage was a sweater, a tee shirt and a magazine. I’m bummed. I am going to have a smaller bag sent to me, so hopefully that will shift the load around so that is easier to carry. I’m stretching it here, I know.


Yes I downloaded pictures so you can all see what I saw, only it won’t be as cool. Sorry.

Thought this cafe looked cool.

I really like the colors of the apartments, if I didn't have to stand in the middle of the road to take the picture, it could have been better.

This dude was just chillin' in the middle of the sidewalk in the sun. People walked around him. Looked nice.

Thats all the pictures for now. I'll post more when I get them sorted.


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