Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Colleen's Last Day

Well we made it home to Edinburgh, but it still seemed that everything was trying to keep us from getting home…the plane was delayed an hour, the train cancelled. Unbelieveable.

Today was Colleen’s last day so we tried to make the most of it. We spent the morning (and a fair bit of the afternoon) in a clothing store called Joey D’s, with Colleen trying on just about everything in the store. We made it out with only having to pay a kinda large bill. After, we cruised up to Calton Hill, then down to the Royal Botanical Gardens. It was pretty cool—really peaceful walking through the little paths and walkways. Unfortunately, we were a too late to visit the main attraction of the garden—a huge glass house separated into 10 climate zones, housing thousands of plants. Oh well…next time.

Finally, after one last travel snafu (I incorrectly thought the busses left on the half hour, so because it was 3:30am we had to wait 45 minutes until the next one), Colleen was off…I shed a silent tear on the walk home…then slept till 5pm the next day!


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