Saturday, January 28, 2006

Road Trippin'

Welcome to part two of the Poland tour. I think I got the picture thing figured out, so we should be good to go now.

So without further ado…

This is the car we rented—we thought it would be some small crappy euro car, but they gave us this, a Ford Fusion. We didn’t complain. It was a bit underpowered, but really good in the snow. And yes, those are the keys in my hand.

As I said before, driving in Poland was nothing short of sketchy, and as demonstrated in the picture below, we took it very seriously.

The drive up to Lublin was beautiful—it snowed the night before, and the countryside was pristine. It was this section of highway that inspired the next picture…

…When Ana and Carmela (Spanish flatmates) decided that they wanted to kick a tree full of snow and see what happens!

There were crazy signs everywhere, and were quite graphic for road signs. We were admiring the attention to detail on this first one—the hood is even crumpled:

This next one we haven’t been quite able to figure out. Is that a giant lollypop in her hand? A balloon? And who decided it was necessary component of this sign? We will never know…

Getting a little ahead of myself with this one, we are now on the return journey on some deserted back road. It looks a bit like Vermont to me…

A pueblo pardido de dios. The village starts and ends on that corner.

More views from the way home. These were the pristine fields I was talking about earlier.

The sun about to set over the farmland, again on the way home.

Ok, that’s all for part two. Next time will be Lublin, Majdanek, and Kazmierz Dolny—stay tuned.


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will - Terrific photos - nice eye! Brian


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