Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happy New Year!

Ok, so I’m a little late but that always seems to happen so I won’t apologize…

All Good Things Come to an End:

A devastating thing happened this week—our free internet got disconnected! I can’t believe it, it’s been a somber time around the house. No more will we sit for hours on toilet in the downstairs bathroom typing our emails and chatting with friends. Just to give you a visual, here’s our friend matt demonstrating the proper technique:

Looks like we’ll actually have to pay for internet now, which probably won’t be so bad, especially because I have a job now!

Speaking of my job, I’ll tell you more about it: I am working as a waiter in the restaurant of a very posh department store called Harvey Nichols. You can check out the website here: http://www.harveynichols.com/output/Page126.asp to see more. There is a link to a 360 degree pan about half way down the page, it’s pretty cool. Harvey Nic’s (as they call it here) has been around since the 1800’s and sells all the latest and greatest designer brands, and has a restaurant as well. It’s been going well so far—I am actually learning a lot and there seems to be quite a bit of room to move up the ranks. We’ll see how it goes; right now I’m just happy to have money coming in. The other cool thing is it seems to be the popular choice of celebrities when they come to town—Christina Aguilera has been in a few times, and J.K. Rowling was in a couple days ago! I’ve never really been too celebrity crazy, but still it’s pretty cool.

New Year’s was pretty fun—we ended up having 11 people stay with us so it was quite crazy for a couple days, there were people everywhere. A bunch of people went to the street party, but I was able to convince a few to hike up to the top of the cliffs that overlook the town to watch the fireworks. It was really amazing—they set off fireworks from seven hills that surround the city, so we had a 360degree view of fireworks all around us. I took a couple pictures, but it doesn’t really do it justice:

Well that’s about all the news for now…Next report will be when I come back from Poland!!


At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will - great news all around (except the end of free Internet access). Have a blast in Poland. It was early January when I left for Strasbourg some 20 years ago, and every January since I get very, very itchy to pack a backpack and hit the road/rails. Brian

At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Will/Jackie! Just finished reading all your posts. They are mucho fun, just the right length, and your photography skills are enviable.

December/January is rough alright temp and darkness-wise in your neck of the woods. I remember end of the day being 3:30 or 4 in Ireland. Hope your money holds out for a good long time (hurray Harvey Nic), b/c sunshine 'til 10:30 PM in May/June is pretty sweet!

What's your snail-mail address?

my email is mfreeman23@hotmail.com but don't feel like you have to write--the blogs are great.

Mary Lee


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