Sunday, October 30, 2005


Lose the watch, dude…

Well an already long 12hr bus ride turned into an even longer 15hr bus ride, teaching me a very important lesson about British busses—never, ever, even for a little bit, believe the bus driver when he tells you how long your trip will take. I felt for a bit like I was in Africa or India or something…you’re going to get where you need to go eventually, but just don’t look at your watch while you’re in transit. Ok, so comparing it to India might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it was frustrating for sure. The upside was I got to catch up on sleep, which was definitely good.

Good Times…

We’ve been having a lot of fun—the weather has held for the most part, with just the occasional bit of rain here and there. The people here are super cool—it’s definitely a change of pace from London. The outdoors are much more accessible here, so we’ve been exploring the town (which dates back to the 1400’s), camping on the beach (which was a bit cold, but totally worth it), and just lazing around. I’ve been catching up on some reading (Kerouac, who has proven to be a very fitting companion), and recharging my batteries for a full assault on Edinburgh. I’ve done some research on it, and it sounds like a super cool city—very artsy, and it sounds like they have a pretty close-knit community. There’s a university in the town too, so there should be plenty of people my own age. I have my hopes up for sure, so we will see how it goes.

The Pound is Killing Me…

I just took a look at my bank account and added up my expenses sense I’ve been here—it’s a bit shocking how expensive it is to travel here…I feel like I’ve been very good about my spending habits, but the pound will be my demise if I’m not careful. I will feel good when I get a job and start earning pounds, it’ll be nice to be on a bit more of a level playing field.

Well that is the lowdown for now. It’s back to hostel living for me for a bit, but hopefully I’ll like Edinburgh and be able to settle down…Wish me luck.


At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! I'll back you up, don't worry.

I forgot my log-on, but keep blogging! Now you know at least one person is reading every entry.

I'm going down with Ben Scherrer to support him at Ft.Steilacoom today. He got a Fondreist off e-bay and is getting ready for Nationals. WWU in the top 5? Missing 'cross at all?

Ryan R.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Will - It's great to read your posts. Hope you like Edinburgh. My college roommate spent a semester there while I was in Strasbourg. The one thing that I remember him mentioning was haggis, which apparently was a daily feature at the University of Edinburgh cafeteria. I'd never had haggis before, but he didn't recommend it.

At 2:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, just wanted to let you know I have been reading your entries and I am really enjoying them. I especially like the pictures. I am pretty jealous of you doing something like this, and it's definitely motivating me to look into doing something similar. Hey, want to run with the bulls next summer? It's for a full week, not just one day. Spain. See you there ;)

I glued up the dugasts on my ksyriums and they were rolling pretty good yesterday at steilacoom. I ended up dropping out though, because I just stopped feeling like racing. Seemed like a good reason to me.


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