Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Red Eye O' Rama

Here at last!

After a long flight, I am finally here. It feels so good let me tell ya. The flight went pretty well—I got to the airport with plenty of time to spare, wasn’t hassled at security, and was able to use the free airport internet to nail down some last minute things. My seatmates were “interesting”: To my right was a couple that had a series of “nothing fights” (“get your arm off the armrest” “No. I was here first, that’s the rule” “Oh stop, just take it off” “NO. I said I was here first…”). The lady was also a fabulous critic of the in flight magazine; notable quotes were “look at the smile on that lady, so fake…can you believe it? They all have such fake smiles” and, “Can you believe that sculpture, what a bloody piece of crap, must have been cheap”. The woman to my left was quiet enough, but I spent the night fighting a silent battle for armrest space. In the end, I didn’t sleep a wink, looks like I have a long day of doppios ahead of me. I really need to get my act together and figure out what I want to do today. I think I’ll spend the morning in the Kensington/ Chelsea area, take a short nap at the hostel, then head across town to The City to check out some of the super touristy stuff. Or I could just head north, and check out some of the art galleries, or check out some ideas I have for places to live and work, or spend the day strolling around the many local parks. The possibilities are endless…I have London at my fingertips…I must go. Later.


At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Will - Terrific to hear you're there. This blog is a terrific way to hear all about your adventures. Thanks again for stopping by on your way north last week. Good luck w/ the housing hunt. Brian

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a doppio?

Ryan Rickerts


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