Saturday, October 22, 2005


I did a lot of driving today, which was ok because I got to borrow my grandma's super sweet car. I Went up and visited family north of my grandma’s, then continued 2.5hrs further north and am currently staying with my Mom’s family. It’s beautiful up here. I guess the fall foliage isn’t as brilliant as it usually is, but it sure looks nice to me. Tomorrow I head further north to visit more family, so I am really making the rounds.
I’m getting more and more excited about getting over to Europe, it’s going to be good times for sure. Going to NYC by myself gave me a nice bit of confidence, and now I can see that I will be able find/ fake/ forge my way around just fine when I’m across the pond. Last night, my grandma's friend from London came over for dinner and gave me the insider scoop on where to go and what to see; and not just in London, but all of England! Needless to say I am stoked. I also have a bit more direction now, which is nice.

And now, just to drag this out a bit longer…more NYC pictures!!!

This super cool globe was outside of Trump Tower, on the south (I think) side of Columbus Circle.

And this is Columbus Circle, the picture is a bit blurry, but you get the idea.

The Café of the Day is this place. It’s cool because it’s underground.

The garden of the day is this one. Another one of those cool inner city community project deals.

I took this because I liked the way the street looked, but I think the dude pushing the cart across the street really makes it.


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