Friday, October 21, 2005


Another relaxing day: I slept in a bit, played some more pool (it’s great to get some practice in before I hit the pubs of England), ran errands, helped grandma with chores. The weather is still nice, the beach is still beautiful, and I am enjoying every last ray of sunshine knowing that there will be many rainy days ahead. Tomorrow I am borrowing my grandma’s car and heading up to see more family in VT. Should be fun, and it'll be nice to see the foliage.

More Pictures…
That’s right there are more, and here you go…
New Yorkers apparently love their gardens, and as mentioned before that is fine by me. Here's a couple:

This is a cool boulevard on the Hudson that looked new. I definitely got a wierd look from the dudes in the foreground when I took the picture.

Seems to me like a New Yorker motto is, “if it doesn’t look good, hide it with plywood and ads” see below:

These I just like:


At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read every colorful passage of your adventures so far, and as I've never been to NYC, I must say - thrilling! Excellent photography, too. Didn't know you had this talent/interest.

Looking forward to more adventures - keep blogging! Also, you should adapt to a heavy pack. I used to live this way also and only noticed when I changed the weight of it.

Built up a singlespeed this week - CX bike still to come. Later!

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it doesn't look good hide it with plywood and ads....I love it. In Vermont it's if your house caves in, buy a used RV (and a lot of duct tape), park it beside the broken down house, and move on in!


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