Monday, October 24, 2005

Just Chillin'

So yesterday we drove north to the country to visit my uncle and his family. It’s always nice going out there—it’s super rustic; the air is clean, there is lots of wildlife, etc. My uncle just finished building his house out of materials he harvested from his 60 acres. It turned out very nice. He also is raising a flock of sheep—please see the pictures below.

Today was pretty mellow: hung out with family again, and then drove back down to my Grandma’s. Tomorrow is the Big Day!! I don’t fly out until 8pm though so I’ll have plenty of time in the morning to sleep in and get my stuff together. I’m super stoked, next post will be from London!

This was a classic New England Church we saw on the way up.

A picturesque farm we saw on the way up.

We were there for feeding time, the sheep came running from all over when the heard us with the food.

They were anxious to get to the food, I guess.

This guy was pretty friendly.

The ram was huuuge, and check out his horns!


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