Thursday, October 27, 2005

A day late, nothing short

This report is from yesterday as I couldn't find reliable internet yesterday, and don't have time tonight. I'll combine today and tomorrow next time and be all caught up, don't even worry about it.

London, hell yeah!

So after the loooong trip from the plane through the airless airport and tube (subway), I walked out into the—yes hold your breath—SUNSHINE of England! Icing on the cake, I say. I said a “London, hell yeah” to myself on the street and started my day. I decided to get all of the touristy stuff out of the way today, leaving me two full days for real exploring. I first hit the V and A museum—an alarmingly vast and 99% free treasure trove of all kinds of art. From ancient glass bottles to modern architecture to delicate textiles to life size plaster replicas of Michelangelo’s “David” and on and on. Every time I got tired of being there, I’d turn to go out the door and stumble on another incredible exhibit. Did I mention it was free? Incredible. From there, I braved the fanny packs and camera phones and went to more classic London tourist stops: I walked through Hyde park to Buckingham Palace, cruised down to see Big Ben, hopped on the tube and saw London Tower and London Bridge. After that I walked into the city and saw St. John’s Cathedral. Whew. Glad it’s out of my system. I’m looking forward to seeing the “real” London tomorrow.

Hyde Park is beautiful!

Big Ben with the quintessential and ubiquidous (ha! Two big words in one sentence!) doule decker bus.

London Bridge

I ate here, it was a classic English pub.


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