Saturday, November 05, 2005

Should have posted this yesterday...

Happy Birthday to me!

And what a great birthday it is. My friends from St. Andrews just stopped by on their way to Spain, and had lunch with me, which was super cool. I’ve made friends at the hostel, and we’re hanging out tonight for my birthday. I’m starting to feel like I’m getting to know Edinburgh better. I love this city and life is good.

I’ve been pretty busy actually. I’ve looked at a couple of flats; one was not good at all, and another was alright, except it was very far from town. So the search continues…
I went down to the main shopping district yesterday to look for jobs, and dropped off a bunch of resumes at outdoorsy type stores, most of which seemed very interested.

Speaking of jobs, I quit mine yesterday. It may seem like a bad idea I know, but let me explain. This place was a mess; he had about 20% of the tools needed to operate any sort of bike repair. The “shop” was a 20x20ft area shared with more than 50 bikes. In one corner was a stand and a very small workbench piled with tools. My boss would have work that he’d expect me to do, but would get mad if I couldn’t do it because of missing/ lost/ broken tools. He paid me today and actually tried to negotiate with me about the amount, because I didn’t get that much done. Unbelievable. I explained to him that we agreed on an hourly wage, not a per-job wage and that I needed the full amount of money. He put up a bit of a fight, but eventually I got what I earned. I was super stoked that I stood up for myself; I don’t think I would have before this trip. So there you go, my heart warming coming of age birthday story.

That’s about it. The rest of the day will be looking for flats, following up on jobs, and maybe even a nap if I’m lucky. Cheers.


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