Saturday, November 05, 2005

The search continues...

Looked at two more flats today, one very bad, one ok. The good news is I now have a friend from the hostel that is in the same boat as I am, so we're looking together. Makes it quite a bit more fun, let me tell ya. It also opens up our possibilities abit more as we can expand our search to include real apartments, not just rooms. It would be nice to have someone to live with that I actually like hanging out with as opposed to some random dodgy character (as they say here). So that's the latest. On the job front, I need to follow up on some of the places I applied at but I'm much less concerned about it than I am a flat.

Just checked my bank account and things are looking much less scary now that I'm out of london and in an at least semi permanent living situation. One of the best things about my hostel is they have a kitchen, so I've been able to massivly cut down on costs by using that.

Today is Guy Fawkes day, so we got a group of people together to go out and watch the fireworks. Should be fun. For those of you who don't know about Guy Fawkes, you can check it out here.


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