Monday, November 14, 2005


So this is moment you all have been waiting of Edinburgh!! They are in no sort of cronological order at all, but I'll do my best to narrrate...

This is the view from the roof outside my window--I'm so stoked to have a roof to sit out on and read, though with winter coming, I don't think it will last long...

The part of town we are in is called Old Town/ Leith's alot more "Euro" than the south part of the town, and it has more of a community vibe to it. I love it for sure.

This is the west end of the Royal Mile, Edinburgh's oldest and historically most busy street, now it's just a tourist trap, but still beautiful.

This is one of Edinburgh's many "Closes" or small alleys that used to make up the streets of the Old City.

This is another picture of the Royal Mile, this time from mid way down the street.

This was taken from the castle that overlooks the whole town, we are looking at the south westen part of town now.

This is Edinburgh's famous Princes street, a shopping Mecca that is packed on weekends.

This is another picture from the castle, this time looking south east.

Another shot from the castle, now we are looking North towards Princes Street and our house. That is the Fith of Forth in the distance, a salt water body that helps mellow out the weather in the winter (or so I'm told).

And last but not least, pictures of the castle itself, not the greatest shots, but you get the idea.

Well, that's all for now, there's more to come later...


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics
These are great pictures Will - glad you are blogging! We have been thinking about you and your travels.
Glad you got a place to stay, what good luck (after some bumps in the road).
Good luck with the job searching, we'll be checking in periodically.

- You buddies on Elm Street

At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Will -
This is Patrick. Hope you're having fun in Europe. Hope to see you soon. Bye.

At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Will, and *very* belated wishes for a happy birthday. My tardiness is exceeded only by my embarrassment.

Glad you've got a place. Looks like a very "Old World" part of the city - very different, I'll bet, from Bellingham. When I was working in Seattle, only a few years after living in France, it struck me how everything there was basically brand-new. It seemed like a good rainstorm could threaten to wash it all down the hills into Puget Sound, and voila, back to where it was only 100 years ago.

Good luck with the job search. And bravo on holding your ground and getting what was due you from the bike shop owner.

Hope the Fith of Forth performs as advertised. But I'll bet the frosty Fith of Forth froth can chill you right down to your feeth, forthwith. Especially the fourth or fifth time.


At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Will -

How are you doing? How is Scotland? I am working on a scarf right now. It snowed three inches yesterday. We were looking for the movie "Dreamer" but we can't find it at a movie theater near us.

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi will
patrick here
yesterday was thanksgiving. did you celebrate it?
im off until monday
hows your new house? hope you are doing well.
see you soon


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