Sunday, November 13, 2005

Home Sweet Home

Yup that’s right, after a week of searching and I found a place to live! It’s a niiiice, very old, but recently renovated 5 bedroom flat just north of the city center. I made enough friends at the hostel that I’m able to move in with people I know, which is definitely a bonus. I’m happy for sure. Next step will be finding a job, but it’s good time of year to look, so I’m not worried.

Money, money, money…

I had to think about it all week and it was driving me crazy. It’s been quite a process to find a place. It’s my first time looking for a place of my own anyway, so doing it outside of the States made it that much more challenging. We first tried to get a flat through a letting agency, but they were going to make us pay £2100 in cash up front, and were also going to take £90 for their services (which included background checks, bank reference checks, personal references, and work references). I initially thought that we could make it work, and plunked down a £200 deposit, but quickly realized that there was no possible way to get £2100 to the UK in a couple of days. They took pity on us and gave me my £200 back, but it made for a stressful couple of days. The place we’re in now was so much easier to get in to—I explained our situation and he said we could move in the next day. We gave him a month and 2/3 up front and he gave us the keys. We breathed a sigh of relief and moved in. Simple as that.

My Roommates

I made a lot of friends at the hostel; I guess I just got lucky because the past two hostels I stayed at were not too social at all. So it looks like I will be moving in with a two Canadians, two Aussies, two Spaniards, and me. Should be good times—funny thing is after this month, I will be the only guy in the house. I’m either really lucky or doomed—guess we’ll find out! Everyone is really chill and we all get along great together, I’m looking forward to a fun 6 months.

Well that’s all the news for now—next week is Job Search Week; I’ll let you know how it goes…


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