Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Well. It’s been well over two weeks since my last post…time is just flying by here, I don’t know how it’s happening.

I’m settling in nicely to my new life over here, hanging out, having fun, living the good life. I’m still looking for a decent job, but in the mean time I’m just going to do some temp work. I have an interview later today, and will probably be working events and caterings. I guess there could be worse things, but I’m not looking forward to it. Still, it will be nice to have money coming in, instead of having to rely on my quickly diminishing bank account. Hopefully I’ll be able to save some money and replenish it a bit so I have money to travel more in the summer.

Christmas Time is Here…

And has been here since last week. This town goes crazy for Christmas/ New Year’s: they’ve been setting up this whole Christmas compound over the past couple weeks, and last week they opened it up. It’s actually pretty cool; lights in all the trees, a big Ferris wheel, outdoor skating rink (it was free to skate on opening day, so I taught my Aussie roommates to skate, good times), lots of great (but of course, overpriced) hot food and drink stands and a cheesy craft bazaar. They are also having a bunch of events all next month. Two weekends from now is the Great Scottish Santa Run, where participants run/walk 2k in a Santa suit…but they are also trying for the world record of most Santas in one place—last year there were 3500, but apparently that wasn’t enough, so they’re trying to get more people this year. Yes, of course we are doing it. Santa himself will be making a guest appearance, taking time out of his bust schedule to fly (yes, fly) into the town square on his sleigh, here to prove beyond a doubt that he does exist. There are loads of other events too, but those are the two I’m most excited about.

You know you’ve been in Europe too long when…

You actually start to like techno/dance music. Unfortunately it didn’t take me long, and now I not only tolerate it, but also actively seek it out and listen to it—around the house, when I’m walking/running, etc. Goes to show ya, never say never. I swore I would never like techno, but here I am. It’s gotten so bad I actually paid big money to get tickets to a concert this weekend. The group’s name is Faithless, and they are HUGE over here…it gets played it in supermarkets and restaurants, you hear it coming from cars and blasting through headphones, it’s everywhere. Anyway, this concert is supposedly the last ever in Scotland, so we had to go. It’s going to be HUGE, loud, and hopefully really good. I’ll try to take pics, and let ya’ll know.

Well, that’s all the news, the reports will probably become more infrequent now that I’m settling to a more regular life, but I’ll try to keep this updated.

P.S. A note to all who leave comments: I love comments, but if you leave a comment, please know that I don’t get your email address with it, so if you want me to reply, just send me an email. Can’t guarantee how quickly I will reply, but I will get around to it eventually. My address is: will.iamfree@gmail.com


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