Friday, January 27, 2006

Pictures, Part One...

Well we are back in Edinburgh now, and are enjoying the sweet spring-time weather.

I downloaded the pictures onto my computer last night, and there are over 400! I selceted the best 40 for your viewing pleasure, and I'll post them in 4 segments over the next week or so. So, without further ado...

Part One: Krakow

This is the hostel we stayed at. It was VERY nice; small, clean, well located, and cheap. Couldn't ask for anything better. The staff was amazing as well, helping us with everything from planing our trip up north, to telling us what to visit around town, to fixing up my finger...

The view out the window of our room.

This path circled the old town, it was beautiful and great for a stroll--but the best part was...

...This hill! The local kids had gone down it so much that it was just pure ice. It was (kinda sorta) on our way back to the hostel, and we'd always make a detour back there for a run. If nothing else, it gave us an excuse to go running into a cool cafe or pub, after we (invariably) got freezing cold.

This is the gates of a church in the old town, It is called St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, and was built in the 17th century.

Another view of the church, showing its famous dome and baroque style.

This is a classic street in Kakow's Kazimierz district, also known (though only among tourists, I think) as the Jewish Quarter. It's like stepping back in time, everything is sooo old.

Another street in Kazimierz...Supposedly Schindler's List was filmed somewhere in this part of Krakow.

Well, that's all for now. Looks like the pictures are turned again, you'll have to tilt your head. I'll have to figure that out for next time. Next segment will be the Road Trip!!!


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