Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Mi Nuevo Nombre es Jackie Chan

...that means my new name is Jackie Chan in spainish. Why, you ask? Let's just say that it involves an incident with a foosball table, a win, and a victory salute that involved punching my hand through a low-hanging glass light fixture, a la Jackie Chan (that is pronounced in a spainish accent by the way). It could have been a lot worse, but I survived with only slicing into part of a finger tip. Apparently this is not the first time this has happened here, because the staff at reception calmly fixed me up with some gauze, cleaned up the glass and installed a new glass globe. Less than a half hour went by and the room was ready for another unsuspecting victim.

Last Day

Yes today is our last day here. We are a little bit sad to go home, but we will not miss the cold at all, ha. Despite the cold, being here has really convinced me to travel in eastern europe, possibly this spring. The scenery is very cool, super old and very gothic at times. We went to a pub last night (for coffee, of course :) that was ancient, lit entirely by candles, and full of Poles. This just one example, there are so many super cool shops and pubs here, and every one has such a unique character. The people here are amazing as well--for the most part they are amazingly friendly, helpful and inviting. For instance, when we were driving up north, we asked directions to a hostel that was very hidden, and ended up getting a personal escort (the friend of a gas station manager) right to the very door of the hostel--and both guys didn't speak a word of english.

Ok, time to go now... more when I'm back in Edinburgh.


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will - you've whetted my appetite to get to Poland someday. Lublin and Krakow, and all los pueblos pardidos de Dios in between ...


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