Friday, January 20, 2006

Poland...sans money

Well I'm in poland now and I have to say it is pretty friggen cool; small cobblestoned streets, cozy cafes and bars, lots to see and do, and at a small fraction of the price of what I'm used to paying in scotland. Things really are rediculously cheap--a 4 course meal for three people at a very nice restaurant cost $50! I bought a designer shirt yesterday for $6, etc.

Scotland Screwed Me

Yessery they did...I brought a bunch of money with me to exchange when I got here as my bank account back home has dwindled and is slowly dying. However, when I went to exchange my money, I was told that they would not except the scottish pounds! Arrggh. The scottish pound is not different in any way to the english pound, it just has a different design and says "Royal Bank of Scotland" on it. Yeah so now I have to rely on my friends bank accounts, then pay them back in my worthless scottish pounds... Oh well, we'll make it work.

Driving in Europe...

Oh yeah one last little thing... today will be my first euro driving experience!!! I had heard from friends at work that the best thing to do is rent a car and drive around, so I looked into prices and it was pretty cheap. We had originally wanted to drive around the whole country, but Poland is a a lot bigger than I thought, so we have limited ourselves to one small corner. Today we are heading to Lundin (one of the few Polish cities that survived WWII intact, and it has a fully presevered concentration camp...should be pretty intense), hanging there for a day, then heading south through the countryside to the mountains. Should be beautiful, as long as the weather doesn't go crazy on us--it's supposed to be -20C (that's -4F) here this week! Not excatly a beach holiday...

Okay, that's all for now...I'm hogging the one community computer at the hostel, so I gotta go.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger carol said...

Happy trails to you. Cheers,


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