Monday, April 10, 2006

Last Day

Well it’s our last day in Ireland, feels like we just got here, guess that’s cause we just did. I know I already said it, but book Ryan Air flights early!!! My whole body has bruises and lacerations from kickin’ myself for not doing so.

We did however, make the most of it. Getting up early, John drove us north to the Mitchelstown Caves. It was 12km off the highway down a road that can best be described as a paved path. The ticket counter was the front door of a farmhouse, and the attendant was the old woman who lives there. It is one of the largest limestone caves in Europe, and is completely privately owned and operated. It was huge inside, with gigantic stalactites and stalagmites. It was discovered in 1833 by a guy who was mining limestone, and dropped a crowbar down a hole. He widened it, and found the cave. He was the first person (actually, probably the first living thing bigger than an insect) ever down in this cave. It was truly incredible. Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to take pictures, but you can go here to see it.

After the tour, we made a quick stop back in Mallow to eat (another fantastic, homemade) lunch, and collect our bags. We raced down to Cork, where we met yet another relative, Mary. She was fantastic, but we only had time for a short visit. At last we had to say goodbye and boarded our bus to Dublin; an uneventful 4hours later we arrived at the Dublin airport, but instead of having to sleep there, we gave a call to Elaine (yet another hospitable cousin!) who came and picked us up, and took us back to her flat where we very gratefully crashed for the night.
The path to the caves...if it wasn't for the sign at the entrance, I don't think anyone would find the cave.

The view from the mouth of the cave...beautiful. I love that there is a telescope there as if that scene needs to be magnified to make it more beautiful.

The only picture we were allowed to take of the cave--I was all over it.

Downtown Cork...the Irish love their Guinness, that and Guinness spends loads of money on advertising.


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