Saturday, April 22, 2006

End of Chapter One

Wrote this on the bus to the airport. It's a couple days late, but what can you do… Spain post coming soon!

Well, I did it. Six months in Edinburgh—shit, I’m leaving Scotland! I’ll have to get over my horrible habit of saying cheers after every sentence, and now it won’t be completely normal to have “mates” or say “aye” or any of the other wee little words I managed to pick up. It’s flown by—I’m on the bus watching Edinburgh disolve away as I’m writing this, and I can’t believe that it’s been that long. There have been good times, bad times, and everything in between. Can’t tell ya how much I learned about people, life, and about what I want and don’t want from it. I’ve made friends that (I hope) I’ll have for the rest of my life. It’s been good… but all good things come to an end; I’m off to Spain now, bike in tow. I’m really excited now that I’m on the bus, I’ll have nothing to do but ride my bike for 3 months. I’m a lucky guy. Right, that’s all for now… next post will be from Spain!!!


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