Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pictures, Part Four

Well, here we arrive at last: the final installment of the Great Polish Photo Tour. Yes, I know it’s sad…cry me a river JT. But for now, put your happy faces on…and get ready to go back to Krakow. It was a bit warmer this time around—a downright temperate 0-15F. Determined to see more than last time, we donned an extra layer and got ready for three full days of sightseeing, shopping, eating, and beautiful scenery.

One quick side note before I begin. It looks like the cold could have been much worse—weather reports this week show temperatures down into the -20’s to -40’s! Definitely glad to be in Edinburgh now…

This is Krakow’s main square, where our hostel was very conveniently located.

Again in the main square. A second before I took this picture, this kid was literally covered in pidgins.

It’s shameful, but I still don’t know whose face this is. I think it’s a cool picture though, that’s Ana and Carmela looking out his eyes by the way.

A road in the old town, just off of the main square.

Another path just outside the old town.

This road leads into the Jewish Quarter. The trams are psycho by the way.

This is the castle…we actually didn’t get to go in, as we were 1 minute (literally) too late. Ugh.

This river runs on the south side of the town. There are these crazy swans that live there year round…so many people feed them that they don’t need to leave over the winter.

This is the pub we went to on the last night…I talked about it before—it was lit entirely by candlelight with super low ceilings, brick walls, and this crazy room in the back with these weird old household items, crazy family pictures on the wall, the ancient couch we are sitting on, and a huge table down the middle. It was super cozy though, and we didn’t leave till they closed.

Ok, that concludes the Poland Episodes. It’s back to work for me; I’ll keep ya updated on the goings on in Edinburgh…