Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A BBQ, Some Sun, Some More Sun, and More Studying…

Well the days are flying here—studying, chillin’, seeing the sights. It’s a good life for sure. Last week I studied more than I have in a really really long time, and managed to cram in enough Spanish to that my head is still sore. I learned more in the last five days of classes than I ever learned in H.S. no joke. I think it’s starting to pay off, I’m getting better at talking, but I’m still not able to understand even the simplest of things people everyone say to me! Ohh well…at least I’m making progress.

In my off time, I’ve been trying to see as much of Huelva as I can. I went for a walk the other day and took pictures of Huelva’s beautiful downtown area. See below. The sun is making up for lost time, and has been out in full force the past few days—30C and sunny all weekend! Yesterday, I went with Carlos to a BBQ at a friend’s house in the country, it was really fun—we all ate way too much, talked a lot (them more then me, haha), and just had a good time. It was great for me to see a bit of the “real” Spain, and everyone there was really chill…

Tomorrow, I’m hoping to go mountain biking with Carlos; we’ll see how it goes—my knee has been giving me a lot of trouble when I ride, but I’ve taken the last week almost completely off the bike, so hopefully I’ll be alright.

Pictures to follow.....


At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Will - continuing to enjoy your posts and pics - keep 'em coming. hope your knee is back in shape. Brian

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Will ,
Great to read about your adventures in Spain...I thought that it was only joggers who got dodgie knees !!!
Your long lost cousin in Ireland , John H.


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