Sunday, August 13, 2006

Well, somehow the summer is just flying by...I´m completely loosing track of time! Another ten days, incredible.

After a quick stop at the beach in the south of Spain (near Tarifa-incredible!), I returned to Calabacino and stayed for almost a month again! I´ve been working in my garden, trying to to teach myself to build (I´m working on a small “casita”—bacically just a raised, freestanding deck with a roof), playing music, chilling out. It´s a really amazing place, and the more I stay there, the more I like the simple, tranquile style of life. But I got the “itch” again, and decided to head north to cooler weather, green scenery, and hopefully some cool farms. I´ve been really getting in to the whole farming/ self-sufficiency thing, and now want to see more of what it looks like in practice. Right now I´m in Madrid, staying with the father of my friend in Calabacino. It´s a beautiful flat, right close to the city center. I´ll be taking off tomorrow though...taking a train north, then planning to ride my bike around to different farms there...but we will see how it goes... And that´s just about all for now... hasta luego!


At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Will,
It has been ages since I have heard from you. I have been busy in Brussels and was just thinking of you now. It is nice to see life seem so cool and chilled for you. Envious. Next it will be a year since we met and I just cant believe it! You birthday is coming up and I want to congrat you now! Your Swedish Hanna


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