Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I have to make this quick, but I just wanted to write to say that I am having a great time in Morocco! My budget has blown throught the roof, but it has truely been a trip of a lifetime--and its not even half over. I saw the crazyness that is the ancient city of Fes, then met up with some other travelers there and traveled south to Rissani to see the Sahara...We stayed at a hostel run by a native Berber, and he took us on a tour of his area--the most incredible expanse of desert Ive ever seen! We got to see the Beber mud houses, listen to their traditional music, and eat their food! We took camels into the dunes of the Sahara. We slept out in tents in the desert under the most amazing sky Ive seen in a long was so cool we stayed up all night last night just watching shooting stars and talking. Much more to tell, and once I sort through my 400+ pictures, Ill post some on here. Now Im off to mountains for some backpacking, then up to Cefchouen, then back to Spain... Let the good times roll...


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will - what a blast. I can only imagine what the night sky looked like. Best night sky I ever saw was on the Olypmic Peninsula, where the stars were so thick they looked close. Can't wait to see your pictures and hear more. Brian

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah what your Dad said. Can't beleave
you're in Africa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I left a message at the blog titled El Primero Meses de Espania

From Greg :-)

At 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops, I got names mixed up!
And I can't beLIEVE you're in Africa!!!!


At 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this would be my first time visiting your site and it is awesome. I'll check it more often now that I found it. I hope your having fun, but it sure sounds like you are.
-Tom Paquet


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