Thursday, May 04, 2006

Twofer Day Part Two: Morocco

“Close your eyes and think about Morocco…what do you see?”

If you’re anything like me, you’ll see guys dressed in big brown cotton capes, lots of sun, wide avenues, spectacular mosaics, white clay buildings, brilliant markets, snake charmers, fortune tellers, wide beaches, and isn’t there, like, a desert? Oh yeah and people…lots of people. And beggars, and theives, robbers, con men, and drug smugglers, dealers, producers, suppliers, and hustlers. What else do I see? Not much…wait, it’s coming…me trying to read a sign in Arabic/ Berber, me barganing for stuff, me getting ripped off or robbed. Yup I think that’s about it. Oh yeah, and flies, and hot crowded busses. Yeah that’s everything now.
I wanna go.
I think it was the fly vision that did it…or maybe the one where I get robbed—that would be a good story for the grandchildren.

Regardless of the consequences, I’m going to Morocco next week…by myself. Should be interesting for sure, we’ll see how it goes. The plan now (with an empasis on now, my plan changes minute to minute!) is to take a bus down to Algeciras (the very southern point of Spain, about as far south as you can get and still be in Europe) then take a ferry over to Ceuta, which, believe it or not LINK, is actually also part of Spain. From there the plan is to go to Fes, then possibly down to check out the Sahara, though it might be a stretch to make it down there time-wise. Either way, I also really want to go to Chechaouene—it’s supposed to be a secluded paradise in the mountains, much less touristy than other cities (ie. Marrakech, Tangiers, Casablanca). That will probably be all I have time for, but I really want to do some backpacking in the mountains. I’ve heard it’s a bit dangerous, but that’s just internet babble, and I want to talk to some travelers/ locals before I make a decision. And if I find someone along the way that wants to go with me, I’ll go for sure. If the backpacking doesn’t work, then I’ll just chill in Chechaoune. Sounds good, doesn’t it?! I’m stoked for sure, but (as usual) I have a lot to do before I leave.


At 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow,Will, you sound like you are having the time of your life. You have such a talent for conveying your experience in writing. You should be writing travel books!My son Tom, loves reading your blog. Your adventures are the stuff 15 y.o. boys dreams are made of.
It hit +90 today in Vermont. We are the whitest bunch of swimmers in the world. Love, Aunt Coll


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