Friday, June 30, 2006


Well I´ve moved on again... After 5 weeks in Calabacino, I´m now in Granada. A bit wierd to be around a lot of people again, but it´s a super cool city. Really old, tons of history, lots of culture... a lot going on. I´m staying in the house of a friend of a friend, and it´s absolutely amazing--totally pivate, little gardens, a small pool. Super tranquilo as they say... I´ve been riding my bike a bit, still taking it easy because my knee isn´t 100% but I think it´s getting better. I´ve still been able to get into the mountains, though, and they are absolutely incredible... some of the best riding I´ve ever done, with incredible views of granada and the mountains--truely unbeliveable.

From here, i´m meeting some friends, then going to the beach for a bit! Should be good times... stay tuned.


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