Sunday, August 13, 2006

Well, somehow the summer is just flying by...I´m completely loosing track of time! Another ten days, incredible.

After a quick stop at the beach in the south of Spain (near Tarifa-incredible!), I returned to Calabacino and stayed for almost a month again! I´ve been working in my garden, trying to to teach myself to build (I´m working on a small “casita”—bacically just a raised, freestanding deck with a roof), playing music, chilling out. It´s a really amazing place, and the more I stay there, the more I like the simple, tranquile style of life. But I got the “itch” again, and decided to head north to cooler weather, green scenery, and hopefully some cool farms. I´ve been really getting in to the whole farming/ self-sufficiency thing, and now want to see more of what it looks like in practice. Right now I´m in Madrid, staying with the father of my friend in Calabacino. It´s a beautiful flat, right close to the city center. I´ll be taking off tomorrow though...taking a train north, then planning to ride my bike around to different farms there...but we will see how it goes... And that´s just about all for now... hasta luego!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well... another month of blog-lapse. It's been an exciting one for me, and I'll even give you all a short synapsis of my travels...

I last left you all in Granada, when I was about to meet my friends from the states and go to the beach...well after a day of cruising around the city, we did just that, starting in the morning navigating an unexpectedly impossible series of buses and arriving at Punta Paloma in the very south of spain that evening...we found an excelente place to camp in the dunes and chilled out in the warm night under bright stars. The most incredible thing though was the view of Africa, looking close enough to swim to...its pull worked on me again, and I found myself convincing them to go to Morocco. I was successful and the next morning we boarded a "fast ferry" to Tangiers. Stepping foot in Morocco for the second time was no less surreal than the first time--it was like unexpectedly slipping back in to a dream after momentarily waking up. The sights, sounds, and people all seemed brighter, louder, and more animated than I remembered them, and strangly, I found myself amazed that all was still here, still running in the same way as I left it. We, by chance, met up with some people we met on the bus in Granada, and ended up traveling with them down to the chill tourist village of Chefchaouen. We spent only a few days there, and then I went down to Fes with the Granada people (my friends had to run back to Spain in order to catch their flight home)... We spent a couple days in Fes exploring the crazy Medina, then a few days in Azru chillin', then went down to the incredible Cascades d' sure to check out this link, even the picture is amazing. We spent a few relaxing days there, hiking around the surrounding valleys, swimming and trying to find water holes with some good cliffs to jump into. From there, after a short stay in Marrakech, I took the bus back to Spain.

To be continued...I'm out of time at the internet cafe, but I'll try to post later this week... adios!